Showing posts with label Cambodia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambodia. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happiness is as simple as it may sound

These few years opened my eyes to a deeper view of my life when i start my journey in Cambodia,
As simple as it may sound,

i appreciate every living being and grateful for the life i live now.

Enjoy the joys in every moment,
Appreciate what has come into my life,
just like....

living a simple life.....

Be happy...Be grateful....

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I look into children eyes
Experience their daily lives
Walk into their dreams
Learn,when all come into my life
Have gratitude having all of you on my life journey

I appreciate having you all supporting this little project...
For the children to have an opportunity to go to school
 For them to have education 
For them to have a choice in life...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Message of Gratitude

The 2nd Art Auction & Exhibition on 15th May 2010 has been so successfully organized. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has jointly made this event such a great success.
I was so excited and too happy on that night until my mind became blank when I was standing on the stage even I was accompanied by Owen, Mandy, Belle and Adrian. Thank you so much to Owen in guarding me to start my speech but yet my speech was incomplete. I wish to say more but I was too excited.

So many thoughts have come to my mind that night. My eyes were well with tears when I look at the crowd, looked at our lovely celebrities, all volunteers who has comes and the warmth feelings inside Penang Village.

I was thinking of my dad who I wish he can be with me in this wonderful event. He has once against me into art. He told me that ART cannot make a living, ART cannot make money. Now, he is so happy and proud of me. Art allows me to give my time and sharing my artistic skill with the Cambodian children. With ART, I’m having lots of happiness that money couldn’t buy.

On that night, I missed my dearest grandma deeply. How I wish she could see me standing here, but she is no longer with me now, I can’t share my stories and happiness with her any more. But I know that she is looking upon me now and smiling. I remembered once she was following up with me on my 1st Charity Art Exhibition, I will never forget her sweet smile when she was listening to me. I missed you, Ah Poh!
Missing my grandma, I am now recalling that I had once organized a small skill charity & exhibition at my art centre in the year 2007. The small fund was raised for Maha Karuna compassionate home located at Taman Midah, Cheras, KL.

In this journey of giving, I received so much. I received so much of joy and happiness when I step into Colors Of Cambodia. I could see so much of sweet smiles in return when I gave away the party pack to the school children. I received lots of friendship from everywhere, I received lot of new lessons in life to learn. Along with what I have gained and it became a great opportunity to organize this meaningful event.
At the same moment, I’m thinking of Cambodian children bare foots, their innocent eyes, their living and life, I learn to appreciate my life better. This journey into joy & peace is to create awareness and the joy of giving in the lesser children. The underprivileged children of Cambodia learn that they too are in the position to give. By giving away their art pieces, they receive care, attention and monetary assistance in return. This also becomes a good opportunity to educate our local children to be generous and to help others in need by sincerely contributing their skills and efforts in the form of arts.

So much to share and so much to tell and no words could express my appreciation to everyone.
A very BIG THANK YOU to all of you who has jointly holding my hand into this journey, and may all of us be blessed with blossom of happiness and peace.

Love, Joy & Peace
Honey Khor

A Journey into Joy & Peace Art Show & Art Action

The 2nd Art Auction & Exhibition on 15th May 2010 has been so successfully organized. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has jointly made this event such a great success.
I was so excited and too happy on that night until my mind became blank when I was standing on the stage even I was accompanied by Owen, Mandy, Belle and Adrian. Thank you so much to Owen in guarding me to start my speech but yet my speech was incomplete. I wish to say more but I was too excited.

So many thoughts have come to my mind that night. My eyes were well with tears when I look at the crowd, looked at our lovely celebrities, all volunteers who has comes and the warmth feelings inside Penang Village.

I was thinking of my dad who I wish he can be with me in this wonderful event. He has once against me into art. He told me that ART cannot make a living, ART cannot make money. Now, he is so happy and proud of me. Art allows me to give my time and sharing my artistic skill with the Cambodian children. With ART, I’m having lots of happiness that money couldn’t buy.

On that night, I missed my dearest grandma deeply. How I wish she could see me standing here, but she is no longer with me now, I can’t share my stories and happiness with her any more. But I know that she is looking upon me now and smiling. I remembered once she was following up with me on my 1st Charity Art Exhibition, I will never forget her sweet smile when she was listening to me. I missed you, Ah Poh!
Missing my grandma, I am now recalling that I had once organized a small skill charity & exhibition at my art centre in the year 2007. The small fund was raised for Maha Karuna compassionate home located at Taman Midah, Cheras, KL.

In this journey of giving, I received so much. I received so much of joy and happiness when I step into Colors Of Cambodia. I could see so much of sweet smiles in return when I gave away the party pack to the school children. I received lots of friendship from everywhere, I received lot of new lessons in life to learn. Along with what I have gained and it became a great opportunity to organize this meaningful event.
At the same moment, I’m thinking of Cambodian children bare foots, their innocent eyes, their living and life, I learn to appreciate my life better. 

This journey into joy & peace is to create awareness and the joy of giving in the lesser children. The underprivileged children of Cambodia learn that they too are in the position to give. By giving away their art pieces, they receive care, attention and monetary assistance in return. This also becomes a good opportunity to educate our local children to be generous and to help others in need by sincerely contributing their skills and efforts in the form of arts.

So much to share and so much to tell and no words could express my appreciation to everyone. 
A very BIG THANK YOU to all of you who has jointly holding my hand into this journey, and may all of us be blessed with blossom of happiness and peace.

Love, Joy & Peace
Honey Khor

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


情牵暹粒 2008

这个月来总是在上课的时候以小朋友们作画,聊天,听他们天马行空的故事。 看着他们煞有介的 着闪亮的大眼睛。 思绪又飞往那几所简陋的学校.。很想念那一张张带着天真 笑脸的小孩。 其实,我真的很感恩可以在围绕着孩子的环境下工作, 欢喜地看着他们用心的学习快乐地成长。 而且可以在这里找到一片屬於自己的天空.

当初我背着背包,陆续的在充满神秘色彩 及拥有独特民俗风气的泰国,印尼,越南,柬埔寨等各地留足迹. 目的是增广视野,体验异国的事物,了解当地的风土人情及艺术风格和创作。 我亦因在教学上遇到瓶颈。所拥有的知识已不足以让我用来授课,画纸上的技巧可以在教导下及多多练习便得以进步,调色板上的颜色也可以用心学习而调得七彩嫔纷。但是, 要有更丰富的教材却需要不断地开阔眼界, 去看看在不同的环境,教育及遭遇之下所产生的差异,也需见识各有风采的艺术风格.。然而在走过,看过,体验过了之后,才深深体会这不只是让我的回忆库增添更多的资料,更使我原本的生活激起圈圈的漣漪,心灵更产生很大的悸动.
在繁忙的都市里,忙碌紧湊的生活使我的步调总是越走越快,,有时侯还真的喘不过气来。唯有尽量地调整自己的步伐, 偶尔安排自己的生活常所转换到另一个国度,再用一个全新的心情,轻松一下。只有这样我的思想才得以更加的靈活一点。要不然生活就是很规律,,固定的时间出门,固定的时间回家,固定的时间吃饭, 固定的时间睡觉;不然就是追赶时间。忙呀忙的。。。。。。忙到脑袋转不过来时便想日子怎会这么的忙呢?忙到忽 略了许多事物,也忘了关怀身边的人。然而,这一切都会在我背着背包,往大街小巷里头钻, 看着不同族群的大人,小孩各别的心态, 了解他们如何面对的生活之际,许多模糊的记忆,便会不经意的浮现脑海。 就像开了盖子的香槟,,那股气泡忽然冒了出来。。。。。。心情也跟着起伏。我
的记忆, 又变成一幅幅的图画了。

去年第一趟 暹粒之 旅 ,让我情牵于她了.。许多枝叶浓密的树林,阳光从枝叶的缝隙钻进来。一条条的金柱,在这 绿 色大厦里闪烁。 而吴哥窑里树根盘绕古建筑的大树,让我觉得最有个性的。 这些年来画了许多树。从来都没有见到过两棵"姿态"完全相同的树。 每一次我看到庞大的老树时, 我就会忍不住在心里喊:“ 树!” 就像看到新事物。在我心中, 树装饰了大地,也装饰了我的童年。树影婆裟,几万片的树叶的起舞,让我感受到生命的欢欣。

在这个充满艺术的古城里偶遇协助孩子的画廊Colors Of Cambodia,而被爱心满溢的 创办人,William D.Gentry 所做的一切深深感动.Bill毕业于Indiana 大学 主修 纯美术。曾举办过无数次的画展;更在1998年获得Predigious Painting Of The Year Award from the Polo Alto Art League of Califonia, Kenny Rogers, Larry Hagman and Babara Mardrell 也收藏他的作品! 这一年来跟他会面几次, 深谈之下,他给我的感觉是一个充满热忱,富有爱心的一个"艺术商人"。Base 在新加坡的Positronic Asia Ltd 在世界各地也设立工厂。然而,他却是一个没有铜臭味的統裁。 虽然他经常飞往各地经商, 但都会抽出保贵的时间, 每隔十个星期都回到暹粒授课,监督孩子们画画的进度,更捐款及购买美术用品 学校的学生。。。。。。6年来,他从不间断的回到学校去就就是希望可以让孩子们机会手握颜色笔涂鸦。 曾经,孩子们还错把蜡笔当糖果来吃呢! Bill 从学校发掘到几位颇有天份的孩子,进而给予他们特别课程的训练。 同时也帮他们出售作品, 再把所赚取的钱作为孩子们升学的基金。 这是我在美术界这么多年所 见到最有意义的事。 艺术不只是表达心靈上的情感,,颜色的调配, 物体的行态, 更可以让当地的孩子对未来有个梦想。母亲节那天,William 更在新加坡为孩子们举办了一个慈善 展. 他所付出的不只是时间 及精神,还有对小朋友们的爱呢!

在大家心目中的柬埔寨, 暹粒会是怎样的一个地方呢? 落后到什么程度? 贫困带给他们怎样的生活? 让我印象深刻的是学校里令人心酸的赤脚之外,住在茅草屋里纯朴的农民,尘埃满臉兜卖纪念品的小孩, 以海为家 的渔民, 路边用心修理乐器老人。。。。。。感触万千的是一个个年纪稚幼 的小孩不是在校园度过,而是沿街收拾纸皮,罐子或兜售物品来讨生活。 一双 双赤脚的走动, 崎瘦的小身子在眼前追逐。。。。。。到底有多少个是有机会受教育呢? 天真烂漫的他们会看到他日的未 来? 这阵子想着的是我们的孩子们吃饱穿暖,有吃不完的雪糕,吃饱穿暖, 走不完的冷气商场,打扮入时,穿戴各式的玩意, 乘坐舒适的汽车, 享用麦当劳, 肯德鸡。。。。。。 多么幸福的生活!然而,却还不时会听到抱怨.。那一刻,很想大声的告诉我们的孩子,我们的生活真的非常的丰衣足食。想想在世界一些贫穷落后的角落吧! 他们好辛苦才会赚得糊口的食物,身上所穿的衣物更是大了好几码的。。。。。。我想是时候教孩子们学习感恩其实让我心里最难受的是看到那些没有机会受教育的孩子,他们未来的路将是多么的辛苦。 我亲眼看到了贫寒真实的一面, 感慨万千之下,让我泪眼盈眶。当我们在物质上的追求越来越多的时候, 知足及惜福慢慢的不知去了哪。对他人也逐渐 冷漠了,虽然旅游时储存在记忆库里的一幕幕情景不是非常的的悸动人心,但也足以深深的影响了我待人处事的心态了。 

当车子慢慢的远离市区,映入眼帘的景物是越来越简陋的村落。沿途所见的田园,点缀画面都是让我的思绪飘荡的茅草屋。在这样的一个环境,人们过的是怎样的生活呢? 简陋基本的家庭生活,衣食吃住就在这么小小的一个空间。然而,他们的孩子在大自然里玩乐成长,拥有宽广,自在的山野童年,与我们相比之下,这何尝不也是个快乐的生活。嘿!又让我不禁思考生活的意义. "每年跌进湖里的小孩是难以计算的….", 听到这样的一席话,你心里有什么感想呢? 在 "洞里萨"湖,渔民的孩子就在这样的情形下成长,他们日常生活的衣食住行都是在那小小的木船上,寸步难行的小小空间还要包括烹饪,梳洗等活动呢。。。。。。这些在湖泊漂荡的大摇篮, 不管天气的转变,风平浪静还是波浪汹涌, 它就这 样的载着一家大小,贫困的渔民生长在这样的国度,活在这样的环境,别无选择,唯有坚强的面对困苦的生活及有人生的种种困难, 没有逃避的选择。 但是,我依然相信他们可以在精神上会找到自己的桃花源。只因沿途看到大部分的他们悠闲的幹着活,烈日之下认真做事,而脸上仍带着笑脸。其实,简单平凡的生活何尝不也是"幸福"? 没有炫丽的表象,也即是真实的一面。

走在义务老师的路上,看到了乡下孩子的贫困生活,在回顾我们城里的孩子。相比之下,便禁不住想找个机会让我们的孩子有个亲近“贫困”的机会。所以在新加坡的义展之后,便与Bill及Cindy(我的陶艺老师),商量如何让学生办个“孩子为孩子”的凑款画展。目的是让孩子们在习画的当中也可以学习透过艺术的管道来帮助一些贫困的小朋友。当我和家长们谈起这主意时,他们都非常的支持呢!但愿经过用心的爸爸妈妈淳淳 教诲之下,一步步地带领我们的孩子走向关 爱他人之道。也让“分享”的种子在他们稚幼的心中渐渐萌芽。

当我翻开相簿,一页页的向孩子们解说举办画展的原因, 以及需要他们的帮忙时。。。孩子们的反应及表情却各异,尤其是看到照片里 赤 脚上学的小朋友,穿着校服兜售物品的小男孩,住在家徒四壁的茅草屋。问题开始一连串,'' 学生可以穿拖鞋去学校吗?‘‘ ,“ 没穿鞋脚不会痛吗?’‘ , " 没穿鞋很脏呢!”; 较大的孩子则问:“ 为何他们会这么贫穷呢?”,"为何父母有工作却赚不到钱?“, " 小朋友要帮忙父母工作, 有时间作功课吗?“ 。。。。。。天真的孩子,天真的问题。但,我的目的以经达到了,给孩子制造一个省思 的机会,看看他人不一样的成长过程。在经过一番凑备之后,地点,日期等终于落实了。看着孩子们用喜悦的心画出的作品,心想这将是一个带领我们步向喜悦及和平 的画展。" A Journey Into Joy And Peace",将于11 月1日至11月29日在Desserts Bar, Lot K-01-04,Solaris Mont' Kiara, No: 2, Jalan Solaris. 展出。但愿孩子们的画,说出了他们心里的话。更希望他们的“画话”会与踏入Desserts Bar 的每一个 人擦出"爱的火花”。。。。

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


在一个物质贫乏的国家, 很欣慰看到世界各地的善心人事默默协助他人. 不管是提供教具, 衣物; 或是请来自愿老师; 或着重建, 维修课室等, 都能让生活贫苦的孩子有机会接触更好的教育. 这些年, 我陆陆续续用自己的专长, 为他人付出一些, 然而, 比起他人也只不过是小小的一部分.

在2007年初,飞往我响往以久的柬埔寨旅游. 当背着背包走进暹粒市场的小巷, 所见的情景都是我从未领悟过的世界. 行走时看到赤脚的孩子, 内心起伏, 感触良多, 久久挥之不去. 就在这时,偶然的 瞄到不远处有个不太显眼的店面, 写着Colors of Cambodia. 走前一看, 映入眼帘的是一副副充满童真, 自然纯朴的童画, 挂满了橙色的墙壁. 我情不自禁的走进店里.

欣赏着孩童的画作的同时, 也从带着甜甜笑容的 “乃杏”, 口中了解到这画室是由一位商家兼艺术家的美国人. 在忙碌的生活中抽出宝贵的时间, 亲自走进学校教导美术技巧. 之后, 他更成立了这画室, 为孩子们展览他们的作品, 也帮助他们出售作品, 赚取生活费及学费, 感觉好窝心呢!

回来吉隆坡之后, 念念不忘的是柬埔寨的孩子, 反复的看在暹粒拍的照片. 心里有阵小小的声音一直在呼唤着……日子越旧,声音越响亮. 终于, 寄了封电邮给画室的创办人Bill Gentry,表明心里的意愿. 在新加坡与他会面商谈,了解细节之后, 便开始了在暹粒 授课的第一次.


2008年2 月4 日, 早上7时再次的起飞, 两个小时后再度踏进这令我念念不忘的国土……一踏出机场就见到手提着写了我的名字的牌子的Saroeun. 皮肤黝黑, 时常脸带微笑, 而且还会说一口流利英语的他是画廊的经理. 机场离市区不远, 大约20分钟的路程便到达画廊了.

把行李搬上画廊上的公寓后, 简单的梳洗一番便去靠近市区的一所学校, “Svay Dong Kom” 拥有 两座单层的建筑物, 大约可容纳200位学生. 建校的费用, 桌椅板凳, 书本等都是经过SCC (School for Children Of Cambodia) 的协助下才得以进行的. 这还包括了支付老师们的薪金.

在Saroeun和 美术老师Seney的 陪伴下, 我走进了他们的学校. 一阵阵琅琅的朗读声海传入耳内, 站在树下仔细聆听着柬语. 脑海里想着呆会要如何在语言不通的情况下上课呢?

”铃… …”钟声响了, 所有的孩子们陆续的从课堂里出来. 这一刻, 映入眼帘的就是那深深烙印在我脑海, 经过了时间的洗礼后, 还是那么清晰的赤脚. 孩子们身上的白衣都带着些许的污垢, 蓝裙蓝裤也蒙上灰灰的尘埃. 没有袜子, 没有白鞋, 只有破旧的日本凉鞋.

只有一班的学生在课室里等着我们. 踏入课室的那一刹那, 一双双的大眼睛直盯着我. 孩子们叽哩咕嚕的问Seney一些问题. 我只听懂Seney 说了一句” Malaysia”, 心想该是问我从那里来等等的问题吧! 听不懂的我只有瞪着双眼, 傻笑的望着眼前满脸好奇的小朋友. 在Seney把我介绍给他们之后, 我连忙说了一句临阵向Seney学的柬语: “ak rong susdai” (问好的意思). 口齿不清的我若得大伙哈哈大笑的笑成一团.

这一趟, 并没真正的授课. 触目的情景, 孩子们的神情都让握着相机的我忙于把这一切摄入镜头里. 孩子们有些好开心; 有些很兴奋. 几个凌乱的头发, 天真无邪的笑脸纷纷对着相机側目而笑. 有些则含羞答答,表情腼腆的望着我; 也有静静的坐在一角, 嘴角浅浅的带着微笑.

在观察Seney的教学方式及课堂上的孩子时,我总潜意识的往孩子的脚上望. 一双双的赤脚让我湿了眼睛, 也让我感触良多.看着这些孩子, 生活在一个连纸张, 铅笔都没有的环境里……活了30多年的我很幸福! 我们的孩子更幸福!

在忙碌的生活中, 抽出些许的时间, 付出一点金钱为这些贫困的孩子做些许事…… 换来的是买不到的心灵提升和精神上的满足. 也会对人生的价值观有些新的诠释. 但愿我的学生及家长们在参与这活动的同时可以让我们更加的感恩和惜福.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


For a few months now, I have been talking to the children and listening to their imaginative stories during painting classes. Their wide-eyed intrigued look took my thoughts back to those rundown school buildings. I really miss the children there with their innocent smiles.

In fact, I am really grateful to be able to work in an environment surrounded by children, to be able to watch them learn with their hearts and happily grow. It is also where I found a niche to call my own.

When I first started to travel through t
he mysterious and culturally rich countries of Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia etc... my purpose was to broaden my perspective, to gain new experiences, and to understand the local customs, their artistic styles and creations.

I had earlier encounte
red a bottleneck where I felt my knowledge had become insufficient for my teaching. If an exciting palette is desired, one can mix endless hues through practice and learning. However, to develop better ideas in teaching, one needs to constantly explore further, to experience the contrasts resulting from differences in environment, education, encounters, and also to be in touch with various unique artistic styles.

Yet, after having gone through the journey, I realized that what I have collected was more than the additional knowledge I needed. It has not only created ripples in my previously mundane life, it actually deeply touched my heart.

The busy life in the city constantly pushes my pace faster; sometimes I can hardly catch a breather. All I could do was to control my own pace as much as I can, occasionally take some time off in another country to reframe my mind and to relax.
Only then my mind could gain more flexibility. Otherwise life is too much of a routine, with activities like leaving the house, coming back, having meals and going to bed at fixed times. If not that, I would be rushing here and there, constantly being busy and occupied …….. How did things get so hectic?
Until the extent that I overlooked many things, forgetting to care for the people around me. All this comes back to me whenever I am wandering in the streets with my backpack on, looking at people young and old of different races, trying to understand how they face their daily life.

All those faraway memories reappear natur
ally, like bubbles gushing out of a freshly popped Champaign bottle, making waves in my emotions. Once again, my memories turn into scenes in paintings.

I fell in love with Siem Reap on my first trip there last year. Through numerous glimmering rays of sunshine that penetrated the dense green woods, I saw the roots of giant trees that entwined on the ancient buildings of Angkor. These were trees with the most charisma. I have painted many trees over the years and I never saw two trees with the exact same form. Every time I see a huge old tree, my heart could not help but shout: “A tree!” as if I have discovered something new. To me, trees enliven the land and also my childhood. The swaying of millions of leaves and the dance of the shade they create filled me up with the joy of life.

It is also here in this ancient artistic city that I ran into the kind and loving founder of “Colors of Cambodia”, an art gallery that provides help to children. I was deeply moved by what William D. Gentry had done there. Bill graduated from Indiana University majoring in fine art, he participated in numerous art exhibitions. In 1998, he received the Predigious Painting Of The Year Award from the Polo Alto Art League of California. His collectors include Kenny Rogers, Larry Hagman and Babara Mardrell! I exchanged thoughts with him several times over the past year, and I found him to be an “art dealer” full of passion and kindness.

Based in Singapore, his company, Positronic Asia Ltd., has factories all over the world, but he is not a CEO with only profit in mind. Even though he needs to fly everywhere for business very often, he will still take some of his precious time to visit Siem Reap every ten weeks to check on how the children are doing with their painting.

He also donates funds and art supplies to children in schools. For the past six years, he returned to the schools continuously to give children the opportunity to paint with color pencils, children who once mistaken crayons for candies!

Bill discovered a few talented children in school and gave them special training. At the same time, he helped to sell the paintings and formed an education fund for the children. This is the most meaningful thing I have seen in the many years I have worked in the field of art. Art is not only the expression of inner feelings, the mixing of colors, or the form of objects, it lets the local children have a dream for the future. On Mother's Day, William even organized a charity exhibition in Singapore for the children. He has not only given his time and effort, but also this love for the children!

What is Cambodia or Siem Reap like to y
ou? How backward is it? What is life like in poverty? Things that leave me the deep impressions other than the heart-rending barefoot school children include simple farmers living in huts, dirt-covered faces of children vending souvenirs, fishermen's families living on the sea, elderly men repairing musical instruments by the side of the road, etc.

I was felt for the young children who spent their time picking up scrap boxes and cans, or selling souvenirs on the streets inst
ead of being in school. Their bare feet and tiny frames appear in front of my eyes…….

How many of them have the opportunity to be educated? Do these innocent children see their future ahead? Compared to our children who live well, who can have all the ice cream
they desire, who spend their time in air-conditioned malls, wear the latest fashion, have all kinds of gadgets, have comfortable cars to ride in, enjoy McDonald’s or KFC as they like ……….

What a wonderful life they have! And yet they still complain from time to time. At that moment, I wanted to shout out to our children, that we are indeed well fed and well clad. Think of the people from poorer regions…… they work hard but barely make enough to feed their families…….their clothes are always oversized…….

I think it’s
time to teach our children to learn not to take things for granted. In fact, I feel most for the children who have no chance to be educated; they will have a difficult future. My eyes have seen the reality of poverty, my emotions stirred and my eyes welled up.

Our sense of gratitude gradually wears off when we become more and more obsessed with material pursuits. We become indifferent to others………… Although the scenes from my travels are not all extremely moving, but they were sufficient in changing the way I see things and my attitude toward others.
As our car moved slowly away from town, villages that came into view became simpler and rougher. The countryside was dotted with straw shacks that sent my thought adrift. What is life like in this kind of environment — living in such a small house with only bare necessities?

Nonetheless, these children play and grow happily in natural surroundings; their childhood is unrestricted, free. Come to think of it, compared to ours, their life here is actually blissful! I can’t help but ponder about the meaning of life. What comes to your mind when you are told that “The number of children falling into the lake each year is uncountable…..”?

Yet this is the situation for the children growing up in the fishing village of Lake Tonle Sap. All their daily activities are done on tiny wooden sampans; the limited space is also the kitchen and washroom….

These vessels are like cradles on the lake, through calm or rough weather, they keep the family afloat. The poverty stricken fishermen do not have a choice in such a country and environment, the only thing they can do is to be strong and face the hardship and life’s challenges, escaping is not an option.

Nevertheless, I believe they are psychologically in paradise. This is evident from their smiling faces, despite having to work hard under the scorching sun. When you think about it, isn’t a simple life like this rather “blessed”? Living without a façade, this is real living.

As a volunteer teacher, I saw the life of children in the poor country side. Thinking back and comparing to the children in our cities, I can not help but wanting to create an opportunity for our children to get a close up with “poverty”. So after the charity show in Singapore I discussed with Bill and Cindy (my pottery teacher) about organizing a “Children for Children” fund-raising show for students. The aim is to allow children, while learning to paint, to learn to help needy children via artistic channels. When I spoke to parents about this they are fully supportive of the idea!

Hopefully through the thoughtful and patient guidance of the parents, the seeds of “sharing” will grow in their young hearts and our children will gradually head toward the path of showing care to others.
As I flipped though the photo album explaining the purpose of organizing the exhibition to the children, telling them how they can help, I saw different reactions and expressions on the children’s faces.

Especially when they saw the pictures of children going to school barefooted, vending souvenirs in school uniform, living in huts with bare walls, a string of questions were asked: “Can the students wear slippers to school?” “It’s so dirty to go barefooted!”

Older children would wonder: “Why are they so poor?” “Why aren’t their parents able to earn enough money with their jobs?” “Do the children have time to do homework when they need to help their parents with work?”……… Such naïve questions coming from naïve children. Alas, through comparing with how others grow up, my goal of making the children reflect is achieved.

After some organizing, the venue and dates for the exhibition are set. Looking at the paintings that the children produced with joy in their hearts, I think to myself that this is an exhibition that will lead us to joy and peace. “A Journey Into Joy And Peace” which held at Desserts Bar & Studio, Lot K-01-03 & K-01-04, Solaris Mont Kiara, No: 2, Jalan Solaris, from 1st to 29th November 2008.

I hope that the children’s voices will be heard through their paintings, and I hope that “sparks of love” will emerge in every person that enters Desserts Bar & Studio when they see the children’s “painted voices”……. No one knows when our lives will end.

What “dreams” will we have in this life? Nobody reveals it. Yet, I believe we should play our role and do our work as best as we can. No mater how small our contribution is, at least we have done something for the society.

The lovely memories and satisfaction gained can be regarded as the joys and happiness in this life. This will be the most beautiful dream that I can have! To be able to find beauty in this ever shifting life makes me feel fulfilled.

At the same time, I hope that the children growing up in hardship will slowly but surely head to other levels in their lives, knowing how to make the best for themselves out of ordinary life.


"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...