Thursday, May 11, 2017


“ 因为哦,我看的太多不快乐,没有笑容的孩子!因为哦,我心疼很多没有快乐的童年的孩子!我希望以后可以帮助到越来越多日子过得不平衡的大人和孩子。。” 
小时了了,大未必佳。。凡事无绝对,我还是相信会玩的孩子,会开心的学习噢!慢慢的他们就学会了读书和玩乐的平衡点。记得大宝贝上了大学后在他的手提电脑的银幕上放了个”work hard & play hard" 的字,我内心是多么的欣慰,还没离开家里就懂了这道理。小宝贝中四了还有两年也要上大学。我们谈德国,谈爱尔兰。他学德语,我们说存钱去德国旅行,喜欢就到那里留学,要不然去爱尓兰找哥哥。SPM重要啊,要尽力不要压力。英文数理要拿A。。3个A就不得了!再考多几个A就可以帮爸妈省学费咯!😀😀😀

Monday, February 13, 2017

Appreciation From The Founder of Colors of Cambodia

Presenting this awards to you all, because it's not belongs to me aone, its for all of you!!! I can't express enough of my gratitude to the people who have helped and support me in the Colors of Cambodia project ~ fund raising event, exhibition, sponsorship program, contribution in art materials and etc etc... all these will not work out without you.

In 2007, In Siem Reap, I saw "Art Will Save The World" at street 11. I stepped into Colors of Cambodia art gallery, fascinated by how the Cambodian children create their art and wondered about how art can save the world.

I send an email to the founder Bill Gentry, met him in Singapore, inspired by him! I then revisited Siem Reap. Since then I started to make many life decisions, explored and learned different life lessons. All these have played a big part to get to where I am right now.

My heartfelt thank goes to people who has inspired, motivated and challenged me in my life along this journey. 

I am looking at this plaque given by the founder of Colors of Cambodia again and again....I smile and read the wording, I still can't believe it!
I have no words to express my gratitude to
Bill Gentry
for given me the great opportunity to be part of Colors of Cambodia! Bill is the man who inspired me in many ways, especially Art will save the world!
Loves form my Cambodian teachers
Phany Phanin Futago
Sophanin Sor
Oun Sok
Soben Hour
Ponleu Art
and students that working together for nine years often touches my heart! They work very hard, learn and grow...Because of them and many of my Cambodian friends I am able to see the real poverty life in Cambodia, they have teachers me to be a better person! ❤️❤️❤️
I am grateful to my family for allowing me to contribute my times and skills, and to my dear friends for their continuing support in Colors of Cambodia.... I can't do much without your all! Love and kindness always make a difference....Not forgetting my Dharma teachers, brothers and Sisters who are guiding me to the right path.
Thank you for everything! Life is so beautiful to have all of you walking along 😘😘😘 This is the real happiness... it stays... for long...

Thursday, September 10, 2015


曾经我觉得时间过的太慢了,什么时候我的两个宝贝才会长大,什么时候我不用再紧紧抓住你们的手。现在,看着你两已高于我的格子,我想,怎么时间过得那么快啊? 我好想念大手牵小手的日子,还有把你们抱在怀里的感觉哦! 

在你们拥有属于自己的天空之前,忙于生活之际,我想要的是可以时常一齐出游。以往是大人做决定,驾驶带你们,现在是我最开心和安慰的时候了! 因为我可以轻松的出游,你们来处理和做决定。

喜欢看着你们在泳池里玩乐的情景,也喜欢在泳池里和你们嬉戏;远远的看着你们在沙滩上互相戏弄对方,这就是兄弟之情,我安慰的笑了。相机捕捉下来的时刻是我老来的回忆! 我们三人快快乐乐的吃吃喝喝,轻轻松松的走走睡睡的渡过国庆日这三天的母子游。 我不时的假装做些事情,其实都是偷偷的看你们。一路上我们都不多话, 大的在专注的驾驶,小的在睡觉。音乐在车厢里飘扬,我暗自窃喜的回忆你们小时候的点滴, 但, 也想起这些年因为我和你爸的分离带给你们的伤害及难堪,心里那一个揪了十年的结还是会让我感到隐隐的疼痛。



你两在叛逆时期给了妈咪我一份难搞的功课。你们面临成长历程里问题,不同阶段实,各种各样、皆令妈咪我头疼。一个草率的批评也会带给你们难以抹平的创伤。 这一门功课教会了我要有技巧的和你们说话,你我都要那一个被尊重的感觉。这难挨的日子终于成为过去,我不用再提心吊胆的过日子了。
在妈咪的教育观里,你们的考试分数我只在意数学,科学和英文。关注的是你们快乐的成长,细数围绕的幸福。希望的是你们长大后会慢慢的会了解“存在的价值”, 记得对社会要有所贡献。


Monday, May 25, 2015

Chang An and Nanyang Exhibition 2015

An Malaysia and China art exchange exhibition to learn about the relationship between ChangAn and Nanyang. 

This exhibition held in an ancient town ~ Xi Tang until 8th April then will be exhibit in Hangzhou ~ Shang Kun.Luo Qi International Contemporary Art Museum. 











Saturday, October 25, 2014

11th Asian, African and Mediterranean International Exhibition

Hangzhou Hanging Malaysian Artists
by Martin Bradley

A finely selected coterie of Malaysian creatives, including Nanyang trained ink brush master Dr Cheah Thien Soong, USM’s Associate Professor A Rahman Mohamed (from the School of Arts), printmaker Chong Hip Seng, and up-and-coming Malaysian artist Honey Khor, had been invited to show their works in a truly international art exhibition by Luo Qi, Associate Professor of the China Academy of Art, and also a renowned Chinese Modern Artist and art entrepreneur. The 11th Annual Asian, African and Mediterranean International Modern Art Exhibition, was held over five days in the South Eastern Chinese City of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, famed for its historical connections to Kublai Khan, Marco Polo and Mao Zedong.

This year’s event, hosting artworks from 22 artists, was housed in the new Shang Kun Luo Qi International Museum of Modern Art, which had been purpose built and recently completed by the Shang Kun Construction Co. Ltd, to house displays and exhibitions for the artist/entrepreneur Luo Qi. That private gallery not only forms part of a growing interest in Chinese art investment, but is scheduled to introduce further international art interconnections to the region in the near future. In time, the whole first floor of the privately funded six-storey building, is to be dedicated to the promotion of arts

The prosperous and architecturally advanced city of Hangzhou, its entrepreneurs, the new gallery, and Annual China (Hangzhou) International Micro-Films Festival, had all been backed by some of the city's most illustrious businessmen, including Liu Bin, Board Chairman of Hongmao Holdings, Li Zheng We of Shang Kun Construction Co. Ltd and other significant Hangzhou businessmen, with a very supportive local government and, of course, entrepreneur Luo Qi himself. 

As part of a consciously ongoing art initiative, redeveloping the arts in China, the city of Hangzhou welcomed the "International Exhibition", which featured painting and sculpture from countries as diverse as Australia, Reunion Island (in the Indian Ocean), Italy, Mauritius, Thailand, Russia and our very own Malaysia. In a separate meeting within the aforementioned gallery, support was pledged for further annual exhibitions, an expansion of art initiatives, greater international exchanges of artworks within Hangzhou as well as art residencies, with the fortunate artist housed for a month in a freshly constructed six star hotel, due to be opened shortly.

Paintings by A Rahman Mohamed and prints by Chong Hip Seng, from previous international art exhibitions, accompanied those by Reunion Island artist Charly Lesquelin, Italian Marco Cascella and Hangzhou’s Luo Qi, to grace the walls of the N8 Club and continue to form part of a permanent collection within the city of Hangzhou. These excellent examples of modern international artworks were on display at Hangzhou's most exclusive, private, N8 Club where the city's elite revel, drink fine French wines and rest from the pressures of business and entrepreneurship. 

NB. The club (N8) is located at the former Nan Ping Club at the lakeside of the West Lake in Hangzhou, and was founded by the Octvillas consortium, hence N8. The club was originally an exclusive swimming club for China’s former premiere, Mao Zedong, but now is a leisure club for the well appointed and their guests. N8 Club is situated close to the scenic views of Leifeng Pagoda and Jingci Temple, while "Ten Views of the West Lake”, "Su Causeway in Spring Dawn", "Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow", and "Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill" are close by.

There is little doubt that China, and in this instance Hangzhou in the province of Zhejiang, is heavily invested in arts, including fresh perspectives in modern architecture. China is on the move with art investment. An article in The Guardian, this year, reflected that at least seven world class art auction houses are presently in China, including Poly International, Guardian Auctions, Christies and Sotherby’s, though the two latter operate from Hong Kong as they are not permitted in mainland China. The interest in art, foreign and local, certainly at a fiscal level, is phenomenal in China with art profits reported as doubling annually. The reason; Chinese middle classes are becoming more affluent, with some of that good fortune filtering into the arts. Luo Qi’s university, the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, will soon be housing a permanent collection of Bauhaus objects and drawings, bought for $72 million in Germany in 2013.

The China Academy of Art, the Shang Kun Luo Qi International Museum of Modern Art, the N8 Club and the continuing Annual Asian, African and Mediterranean International Modern Art Exhibition is good for Hangzhou, good for China, but equally good for Malaysia and its artists. Chinese interest in art from Asia can only serve to prosper Malaysian art within the region, with China rapidly becoming one of the most important players in a global art scene, equal to America and Europe.

(original text)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Episode 1 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

t’s always a mad rush – managing family, business, being a painter and organising the exhibition Colors of Cambodia.Honey Khor handles these commitments with undoubting flair. She dashes about in her sparkling black SUV, dropping off children eager for tuition, professional photos, and treasured artworks. She loves to teach art at her Child Development Centre – daily, with little in the way of a sustained break. From the slightest crack of dawning in Selangor - to the rising of Puchong’s silver moon, she dashes hither and thither, trying desperately to fit 48 hours into 24 - and somehow succeeding. Honey is Superwoman, Wonder Woman and a latter day Nanny McPhee all rolled into one, as she performs her daily tasks with a patient smile.

This is your chance to follow Honey as she prepares for this year’s gala event – the exhibition Colors of Cambodia, in aid of the under-privileged children of Cambodia, held at Penang Village restaurant, Great Eastern Mall, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. It’s your opportunity to share in Honey’s out-pouring of energy, observe her endless enthusiasm, her boundless, selfless love, and join Honey in her sheer joy de vivre in the preparations for that big day - October 14, 2012.

Episode 2 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

Honey is on the phone. She gathers a host of people to her. We are all to fly out to Cambodia in March, for a week. Photographers, Honey, two artists, and I are to descend upon Cambodia to squeeze it dry of images and information about the children’s project run by Colors of Cambodia, project leader Bill Gentry.

A book, to be sold at the Colors of Cambodia exhibition, is being prepared. Bill (Gentry) wants to meet up and talk about the book, see where it fits into the project, and how it will look. Honey and I have to journey down to Singapore to meet a tired Bill, who will just have arrived back from overseas. She is desperately trying to get some pages together to show Bill. Honey has to flush out some thoughts and make them flesh in readiness, as well as coordinate the rest of the show.

The big computer is switched on. In-design is a-buzzing with ideas, shapes, and sizes, will Honey meet her self-imposed deadline, can she impress Bill enough for him to sanction the project – she will have to wait and see. Singapore awaits, tension mounts and the Merlion flashes a fishy tail.

Episode 3 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

The SUV is in for service - in readiness for the Singapore trip. Photographers have been on the phone – do we need visas for Cambodia...what are the sleeping arrangements...can we have single rooms instead of far from the project will we we use dollars or local currency. Honey Khor continues to juggle arrangements, as we prepare to meet with Bill and, hopefully, gain his blessings for the latest Colors of Cambodia project (the book) – spearheaded by Honey.

I rifle my small collection of foreign currency, and discover that I have Sing $23 and ten cents, hardly enough for a three day trip. Honey has little more. It’s time to pay a visit to the bank then.

Meanwhile the computer is a-buzzin’ with ideas and illustrations for the book proposal. Will Bill go for it, can we bushwack him into giving his consent for the project. We momentarily hold our joint breaths. It is becoming a slightly tense time. All rests of Bill’s agreement for the book project. Without his agreement we are back to the computer drafting board and yet more proverbial head scratching. There are more black flashes as Honey’s SUV speeds faster than Superman’s speeding bullet.

Episode 4 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

And now read on...

It was fantasy time in a brightening KL. Our heroine Honey pitched on – ‘what if we had a book like this or that, full colour, hard covers/soft covers - 100 pages, and how much would it cost? Oh that much!’ Mental gnashing of teeth/tearing out of hair, ‘ok what if we changed it around, no note paper just all glossy art paper, how would that be. Ok, better, but it is for a charity lah! A slight reduction, how slight? Hmmm, we’re getting there.’

The Colors of Cambodia project was moving slowly forward. Honey was having a meeting with the printer to determine the cost of a book, rather than a catalogue for the exhibition. The printer was a nice guy, all smiles and a little twinkle in his eye as he looked at Honey. He gave us some vital samples to impress American Bill with at the weekend, it was all a little too good to be true, but hey who’s complaining.
It was another stage over. Honey, sample books and paper stuffed into her oversized bag, donned her sleek sunglasses and slipped elegantly back into her Honey-mobile and sped off to her next meet.

Episode 5 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

Journeying to Singapore was largely uneventful. At the Forum (Orchard Road), American Bill had given his permission to go ahead with the book. It was a great relief. Shoulders relaxed, sighs were heaved, and inner smiles radiated.

It was a go. Honey Khor smiled her biggest smile ever. Such was Honey’s joy of the book’s approval that her eyes twinkled and she practically shone. Cool, calm, inquisitive Bill was entirely professional.  He brought the best out of us. He made us explain what we were doing and where we were going with the Colors of Cambodia book and exhibition project.

Singapore rained. It was a welcome rain, a cooling rain which brought forth the right kind of intimacy needed for an interview about Bill’s involvement with Colors of Cambodia. By the time frothy, milky, teas and American styled cappuccinos were taken, the rain had stopped, and much relief was felt. Honey, not having access to her black SUV, dashed lady-like in her black high heels, towards the local MRT (LRT), swinging her oversized back containing those paper and book samples which had so wowed Bill. On the bus back to JB, Honey gazed meditatively out the window, relieved, but tired.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Episode 6 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia

Well, we had to be different, didn’t we?
No sooner were we out of Siem Reap airport – Cambodia, than I proposed. I knew Cambodia to be Honey’s most favourite place on earth – she had been going back and forth for Colors of Cambodia since 2007, so that is where I proposed and – she said yes.

Now proposing and getting married are two very different things. So I added – here, in Cambodia and wouldn’t it be nice if we were to do it this trip – in the Colors of Cambodia gallery, again Honey said yes.
We asked American Bill to be the best man. He agreed - we had but one day to sort it all out. This was Sunday, Bill was leaving on the Tuesday, ooops. With a tremendous effort by all concerned, by 6.30 we were sitting in front of a Buddhist priest and getting married. Honey had laid her hand phone down, slipped out of her business mode and consented to be my wife in the Colors of Cambodia gallery, surrounded by bemused staff, students and a bank of photographers brought over to assist with the book. It was all very romantic.


"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...