Saturday, July 4, 2020

Self Portrait

I think the self is fascinating, to discover this body that we are carrying since the day we were born. The continuing changes on the body that we are “using” everyday, the breaths that take into the body keep the life continue...thinking that responses to all that happens in life....feelings that could bring suffering and happiness...all this happens in the body of every one, no one can escape except we no longer can breath.
I have been asking myself who am I for years.....What is the purpose of being a human being? Why I was born as a human not animals or others? The path of seeking deeper understanding of this inward beings in variety ways has been a long journey but it eventually leads me to who I am today.
The process of making self portrait is the experience of me relating myself to the rest of the world. There are times I think how would I like to be remembered for? What have life really bring to me? What is best qualities in myself? Creativity does help me in finding my way back to what I already know, already are, always have been, and always will be.
I am aware of the changes and transformations in life, some times the changes can be really challenging and painful but this is a real life lessons and it is important to reflect on experiences and how they affect one’s self.
Life moves on and so should we....
These self portraits did in 2017 represent and perpetuate of own personal mythologies. For physical and spiritual bodies to shape and embark on the rest of my life journey, is to connect the willing and thinking realms with the rhythm of feeling of these three aspects for well beings.

The discovery of the higher parts of nature in me, understand dharma, walk on right path, giving and receiving that comes only from oneself....which may be discovered and expressed one day, through art.

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