Monday, April 1, 2013

Sketches in Life

my foot steps
I leave in the town
and countryside

I walk

with pen
and brush
I draw

with ink 
and colours
I paint

I watch
and feel
the beauty


my heart lives
within each place
connected with
with joy
every moment 

with my sketches
in life

St Pete, Figueres

Dali Musuem, Figueres

On the way to Cadaques

Trees & Dali Musuem, Figueres

The Barrels, Hotel Duran, Figueres

Back of St Pete, Figueres

The Celler, Hotel Duran, Figueres

Building in Figuers

Hotel Duran, Figueres

Evening in Fugueres

Church St. Pete, Figueres 

Morning in Figueres market

Night in Figueres

Church of Santa Maria, Cadagues

Train Station in Figueres, Spain.

Pathway in Besalu, Spain.

Church St Vicent, Besalu, Spain.

Sunset in Cadaques, Spain.

Sketch with strawberries, Market in Figueres, Spain.

Figueres, Spain
Battambang, Cambodia

Ta Phrom, Siem Reap, Cambodia 

Ta Phrom, Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Woman Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Wat Bo, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Wat Bo, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Woman Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Gillman Barracks, Singapore
Gillman Barracks, Singapore
Little India, Singapore
Little India, Singapore 
Little India, Singapore

Cadaques, Spain
Cadaques, Spain

Cadaques, Spain

Figueres, Spain

Sapa, Hanoi, Vietnam
Alley Way in Seam Reap, Cambodia
Angkor Thom,  Siem Reap, Cambodia

Chinese temple, Bukit Mertajam, Province Wellesley 

Gallery Colors of Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia 
Malacca River, Malacca 
Putrajaya, Selangor 
Love Lane, Penang
Seam Reap, Cambodia
Tanjung Sepat 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Connection of Soul and Spiritual

and moon

witness our love


surrounds us

day by day

night by night
we find ourselves

Ancient paths

soul and spiritual






Thursday, February 21, 2013

Of Roses and Chocolates


14 Feb 2013, Valentine was drizzling with rain. I was waiting at the bank. There was an Indian man holding a bunch of roses for sale. I was watching him and the men walking past, one after another. There were a few young men buying the roses from him. I smiled to myself, thinking...why are those middle age men not buying roses for their wives? Or are roses and chocolates are only available for the young lover/young couple?

I believe that every couple have their own ways to express their love for each other, in their unique way. Even though  I never saw dad bring a rose to mom, and they have been married for 41 years, but they show their love and care for each other in their daily lives.

It was 24 years ago when I first became aware of "Valentine's Day". All I know about that is boyfriends, girlfriends, roses and chocolates. I know nothing about love. At that dreaming age I asked myself why I hadn't a boyfriend, as I too wished to receive chocolates and roses.

24 years later, I have grown and become wiser and understanding what true love is...I am learning to look into the "small" things in daily life and appreciate and be grateful for all that little things which take an effort.

I radiate loving kindness to all my loved ones before sleep at night and wake up in the morning, in a moment when I can be quiet and reflect what happens in my life.

My dear husband has made every single day become Valentine's Day, because that is what we want it to be. He has show me the most beautiful love. Of cause there are fights and arguments too...hahaha... but the love that we have brings us right understanding and right thought, showing us the right path.

I love you, Mr Bradley! 

COURSES at Sri Madu

New Page in Face Book!!!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Marriage Life

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Chong Zhi Qian. 2.2013

Chong Zhi Qian,  a lovely girl who has been with me since she was four years old. It is wonderful to see a child growing up, and progressing in their arts.

It is a journey showing their growing, and a remarkable progress for a child.

There is so much joy and laughter when we go through those interesting changes and developments in story, line and colours in art works.

What are the best things can we keep for our children? I believe this is the best way, for it can capture a particular moment,in that child's life, and allows them to tell their stories

Thank you, Zhi Qian! For being with me since you were four..and are with me still!  Enjoy her art works.

The Walllemur《colors-of-cambodia和我》《colors-of-cambodia和我》许佩瑶/

这五年多来陆续的回去暹粒,柬埔寨教学,协助Colors of Cambodia 凑办慈善画展等。 只因为在2007烙印在脑海里的一对对小小的赤脚,那些住在茅草屋里纯朴的农民,尘埃满臉兜卖纪念品的小孩,以海为家的渔民等。还有一个个年纪稚幼的小孩不是在校园度过, 而是沿街收拾纸皮,罐子或兜售物品来讨生活。 至今,眼前还是会不时浮现一双双的赤脚,在走动;崎瘦的小身子穿着破旧的衣,在追逐。耳边也不时会听到孩子们的呼唤回来看我们哦!
在这里我的思绪总是会情不自禁的飘荡。不管多少次路经远离市区的简陋村落,田园和茅草屋,我一直的在思考他们在这样的一个环境过的是怎样的生活? 简陋基本的家庭生活,衣食吃住就在这么小小的一个空间。然而,他们的孩子却在大自然里玩乐成长,拥有宽广,自在的山野童年。这何尝不也是个快乐的生活。嘿!又让我不禁思考生活的意义。
其实让我最难受的是那些穷困没有机会受教育的孩子,他们未来的路将会是多么的辛苦。每一次在课堂里,我总是会潜意识的往孩子的脚上望,那一双双的赤脚总是会让我泪眼盈。 已经几年了,我还是一样看到有小朋友赤脚走路去学校。这些孩子生活在一个连纸张, 铅笔都没有的环境里,对我来说有些不可理喻。这一刻,亲眼看到贫寒真实的一面时,我才真正领悟到什么是幸福和感恩。
还有那些在湖泊漂荡的大摇篮, 不管天气的转变,风平浪静还是波浪汹涌,它们就这样的载着一家大小,以海为伴。贫困的渔民生长在这样的国度,别无选择。面对人生困苦的生活, 在这样的一个环境下更没有逃避的选择。沿途看到大部分的他们悠闲的幹着活,烈日之下认真做事,而脸上仍带着笑脸。其实,简单平凡的生活何尝不也是”幸福”?  没有炫丽的表象,也即是真实的一面。
我们的生命会在甚么时候终止,没有人知道。而这一生会拥有怎样的”梦”? 没有人告知。但,我相信 尽量的演好自己的角色,尽力做好自己的工作,尽管可以付出的是那么渺小卑微,但至少曾为社会奉献了一的力量。许多甘美的回忆,心靈上的满足,也是生命里的幸福愉悦。这也是我最美的梦,因为可以在世事难料的生活里寻找单纯事物里的美,挖掘责任中的快乐,让我活得更踏实。
在忙碌的生活中, 抽出些许的时间, 付出一点金钱为这些贫困的孩子做些许事, 换来的是买不到的心灵提升和精神上的满足. 也会对人生的价值观有些新的诠释. 但愿我的学生,朋友及家长们在参与Colors of Cambodia的活动的同时可以领悟到感恩和惜福的意义。 让我们给孩子们制造一个省思的机会,让幸福的他们看看他人不一样的成长过程。 我也希望在贫困里长大的孩子们可以一 步步的走向人生的另一个境界,学会在平凡之间活出自己的人生。


"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...