Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Lotus In The Moonlight

In the midst of darkness
Moonlight shine
Lotus stands
The divine beauty
Among the leaves
Bloom out of the darkness
Radiate into the world
Cosmic breath
Unfolding souls
Embrace In love
Middle path
Image may contain: one or more people, flower and plant

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Love for Siem Reap

"Love for Siem Reap"
60cm x 80.5cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Siem Reap town
still a beauty
but not so innocent or simple
women dressed to kill
high heels
lipstick and eye shadow
sense of materialism
much stronger
young girl, ladies
young boy, men
seeking better life
life, no longer simple as it was
small kids
bare foot, running, singing
education and family
do they have a choice
or live the life just as their parents
do they hope and have dreams
internal dialog
loving kindness
sharing and giving
different ways
Art will save the world
Colors of Cambodia
part of my life
kind hearted
giving without expectation
loving kindness radiating
love and joy surrounds us
each of us plant a seed
seed of Metta
in ourselves
in others
it will
it should
No photo description available.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Party for Colors of Cambodia Students

 brought the advance class and teachers ( including me and Bill of-course ) to The Hideout on Thursdaynight before she and Sarah go back to Australia on Friday evening.

Everyone had great fun and enjoyed the food very much!Many students have not had the experienceof eating in a restaurant with aircon and Western food.

We thanks Laura for her kindness and generosity...she not just giving donation to Colors of Cambodia, sponsoring students to study English but came all the way from Australia yearly, which has been continuing 3 years to help in schooling items distribution.

A special drawing from students presented to Laura, that our love to her. We are so lucky to have Laura!

16th Years Celebration for Colors of Cambodia

Younger students wasn’t allow to stay back late to attend the party with Laura on Thursday. So, we have second party after the announcement of Colors of Cambodia Art Competition. Yay!! Celebrations
Students who won the competition pool some money to buy drinks and I bought food for them. Hmmm...burgers finished very quickly.

It’s a celebration of Colors of Cambodia still alive after 16 years and we hope it will continue for more years, it’s also a celebration of the Charity Status that we received last year after many years of application.

Colors of Cambodia appreciate all the kind supports, helps and assistance from people around the world. Each of you who walked into the gallery to buy the paintings create by the students, it really means a lot for them. It’s love and encouragement they received.

Students thanks all volunteer teachers for spending their time guiding and teaching them...and here we have Ms Iaroslava Tereshkova who has volunteer teaching twice a week since June. I have tears in eyes listening to Narak Art speaks English thanking Teacher Phany Phanin Futago. Thank you Slava for your patience and encouragement to all the students.
Lot of loves to Bill Gentry for keeping this art project alive....open the door of practicing loving kindness in action. This is a very touching moment, seeing all students here working hard to earn for living, study hard to gain knowledge and still come to gallery to draw and paint ~ Art Will Save The World .

Being Kind is A Choice

Thank you Bill for the acknowledgment! Appreciate a lot!
The truth is without him keeping this project alive, non of us will be here today.
This is the most beautiful and meaningful things I am doing for so many year ~ Art Will Save The World!
It was because of my curiosity how Art Will Save The World that connected me to this noble cause. Blessings!!! When I teach, I also learn. In this past 12 years, we have grown together and Colors of Cambodia is a big part of my life, just like my family.

There are great and unconditional love in this beautiful and unique art school and gallery and people who connected to this beautiful project. It is impossible for me to mention everyone who are giving great support in many different ways to Colors of Cambodia over the years!!!! You know who your are lah.

Love you from the bottom of my heart...

Thursday, May 11, 2017


“ 因为哦,我看的太多不快乐,没有笑容的孩子!因为哦,我心疼很多没有快乐的童年的孩子!我希望以后可以帮助到越来越多日子过得不平衡的大人和孩子。。” 
小时了了,大未必佳。。凡事无绝对,我还是相信会玩的孩子,会开心的学习噢!慢慢的他们就学会了读书和玩乐的平衡点。记得大宝贝上了大学后在他的手提电脑的银幕上放了个”work hard & play hard" 的字,我内心是多么的欣慰,还没离开家里就懂了这道理。小宝贝中四了还有两年也要上大学。我们谈德国,谈爱尔兰。他学德语,我们说存钱去德国旅行,喜欢就到那里留学,要不然去爱尓兰找哥哥。SPM重要啊,要尽力不要压力。英文数理要拿A。。3个A就不得了!再考多几个A就可以帮爸妈省学费咯!😀😀😀

Monday, February 13, 2017

Appreciation From The Founder of Colors of Cambodia

Presenting this awards to you all, because it's not belongs to me aone, its for all of you!!! I can't express enough of my gratitude to the people who have helped and support me in the Colors of Cambodia project ~ fund raising event, exhibition, sponsorship program, contribution in art materials and etc etc... all these will not work out without you.

In 2007, In Siem Reap, I saw "Art Will Save The World" at street 11. I stepped into Colors of Cambodia art gallery, fascinated by how the Cambodian children create their art and wondered about how art can save the world.

I send an email to the founder Bill Gentry, met him in Singapore, inspired by him! I then revisited Siem Reap. Since then I started to make many life decisions, explored and learned different life lessons. All these have played a big part to get to where I am right now.

My heartfelt thank goes to people who has inspired, motivated and challenged me in my life along this journey. 

I am looking at this plaque given by the founder of Colors of Cambodia again and again....I smile and read the wording, I still can't believe it!
I have no words to express my gratitude to
Bill Gentry
for given me the great opportunity to be part of Colors of Cambodia! Bill is the man who inspired me in many ways, especially Art will save the world!
Loves form my Cambodian teachers
Phany Phanin Futago
Sophanin Sor
Oun Sok
Soben Hour
Ponleu Art
and students that working together for nine years often touches my heart! They work very hard, learn and grow...Because of them and many of my Cambodian friends I am able to see the real poverty life in Cambodia, they have teachers me to be a better person! ❤️❤️❤️
I am grateful to my family for allowing me to contribute my times and skills, and to my dear friends for their continuing support in Colors of Cambodia.... I can't do much without your all! Love and kindness always make a difference....Not forgetting my Dharma teachers, brothers and Sisters who are guiding me to the right path.
Thank you for everything! Life is so beautiful to have all of you walking along 😘😘😘 This is the real happiness... it stays... for long...

Thursday, September 10, 2015


曾经我觉得时间过的太慢了,什么时候我的两个宝贝才会长大,什么时候我不用再紧紧抓住你们的手。现在,看着你两已高于我的格子,我想,怎么时间过得那么快啊? 我好想念大手牵小手的日子,还有把你们抱在怀里的感觉哦! 

在你们拥有属于自己的天空之前,忙于生活之际,我想要的是可以时常一齐出游。以往是大人做决定,驾驶带你们,现在是我最开心和安慰的时候了! 因为我可以轻松的出游,你们来处理和做决定。

喜欢看着你们在泳池里玩乐的情景,也喜欢在泳池里和你们嬉戏;远远的看着你们在沙滩上互相戏弄对方,这就是兄弟之情,我安慰的笑了。相机捕捉下来的时刻是我老来的回忆! 我们三人快快乐乐的吃吃喝喝,轻轻松松的走走睡睡的渡过国庆日这三天的母子游。 我不时的假装做些事情,其实都是偷偷的看你们。一路上我们都不多话, 大的在专注的驾驶,小的在睡觉。音乐在车厢里飘扬,我暗自窃喜的回忆你们小时候的点滴, 但, 也想起这些年因为我和你爸的分离带给你们的伤害及难堪,心里那一个揪了十年的结还是会让我感到隐隐的疼痛。



你两在叛逆时期给了妈咪我一份难搞的功课。你们面临成长历程里问题,不同阶段实,各种各样、皆令妈咪我头疼。一个草率的批评也会带给你们难以抹平的创伤。 这一门功课教会了我要有技巧的和你们说话,你我都要那一个被尊重的感觉。这难挨的日子终于成为过去,我不用再提心吊胆的过日子了。
在妈咪的教育观里,你们的考试分数我只在意数学,科学和英文。关注的是你们快乐的成长,细数围绕的幸福。希望的是你们长大后会慢慢的会了解“存在的价值”, 记得对社会要有所贡献。


Monday, May 25, 2015

Chang An and Nanyang Exhibition 2015

An Malaysia and China art exchange exhibition to learn about the relationship between ChangAn and Nanyang. 

This exhibition held in an ancient town ~ Xi Tang until 8th April then will be exhibit in Hangzhou ~ Shang Kun.Luo Qi International Contemporary Art Museum. 












"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...