Monday, June 4, 2012

Birth Day

Today, is my big day..
The day my lovely mother bore so much pain, for me
giving me birth.

There are no words to express my thankfulness to her,
giving me a beautiful life,
giving me all her love the moment i cried out aloud.

My gratitude and love to her,
which returns, more and

My gratitude to you,
all my dear friends,
who have given me so much of support.

walk along with me,
On my path to my dreams,
dreams where i can use art to save the world.

I have so much love from my loved ones,
So many blessings from you all,
So much joy and happiness

I would like to..
deeply reflect my loving kindness to all - even,
and maybe especially, to those who have
caused me pain and heartache in the past.

Loving kindness to this .... our dear mother earth,
and may all be blessed with the kind of love I have so recently found,
the peace, joy
and happiness.

Love changes our lifes 
Love brings us strength
Love brings us together.

in this moment
I love you! 

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