Life is a journey with problems to solve, Lessons to learn, but most of all experience to enjoy!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Episode 12 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
Donations and sponsorship – providing money to print the book, were flooding in. Within a very short space of time – and much quicker than the estimated deadline – Honey had secured all the money to print 1,000 copies of the book. Much to all our reliefs.
The writing and designing of the book was slowly taking place, and well on target to get the book to the printers on time. The book, Honey and her sleek SUV were all on a roll, with all systems seeming set at go. This was the crucial time. All had to come together in time for the grand launch.
Donations and sponsorship – providing money to print the book, were flooding in. Within a very short space of time – and much quicker than the estimated deadline – Honey had secured all the money to print 1,000 copies of the book. Much to all our reliefs.
The writing and designing of the book was slowly taking place, and well on target to get the book to the printers on time. The book, Honey and her sleek SUV were all on a roll, with all systems seeming set at go. This was the crucial time. All had to come together in time for the grand launch.
Episode 13 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
Lunching with designers, printers, gallery managers and event personnel had become second nature to Honey. Like Wonder Woman, Honey discarded her kittenish dark sunglasses and donned her business specs in the mere twinkling of an eye, ready to get down to serious business – without even smudging her Stila lip-glaze.
It was simply amazing! People seemed to fall over themselves to help Honey Khor - perhaps it was her innate magnetism, her captivating charm, or perhaps her genuinely warm-hearted altruism which drew like minds to her and her project. Whatever the reason, people simply flocked to ensure that the charity book project was going to be successful.
As well as fleeting hither and thither around Kuala Lumpur, and her excursions abroad to ensure the success of her charity book project, Honey was beavering away at myriad illustrations for the book itself. Honey had parked the well used SUV, picked up her Winsor & Newton brush, and set to work on water-colour paper. Let us not forget – Honey Khor is an artist too, and not just a business woman. The new ink and water-colour illustrations reveal the humorous side to her nature, and give a friendly face to the charity book itself.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Episode 14 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
It had been a seven month haul of pleading and cajoling, urging people to part with their hard-earned money, to support the crazy endeavour of a book about a children’s charity aimed at Cambodia. Nevertheless it was congratulations all round – she had done it, and it was slap on the back time and a small, very small, celebratory dinner – consisting of a bowl of watery noodles shared by two.
There was a definite spring in the well-toned step of Ms Honey Khor, as she bounced into the room and announced – ‘I’ve done it. Yippee. I’ve done it - well, we’ve done it really’. And what had Ms Honey Khor done? She had managed to raise the entire amount of cash needed to print the book – A Story of Colors of Cambodia.
It had been a seven month haul of pleading and cajoling, urging people to part with their hard-earned money, to support the crazy endeavour of a book about a children’s charity aimed at Cambodia. Nevertheless it was congratulations all round – she had done it, and it was slap on the back time and a small, very small, celebratory dinner – consisting of a bowl of watery noodles shared by two.
Time waits for no woman and Honey is no laggard letting moss grow between her toes. So, no sooner had Honey lightened our lives with her news than she was off again. That, now rapidly aging, black SUV sped around Malaysian suburbia taking our heroine to yet more meetings – this time to finalise both the book itself, and the launch of the book – due on 14th October this year.
Episode 15 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
Things were going at the fullest tilt possible. Impatient fingers thrummed tables, hasty phone-calls were made enquiring what had happened, then, as if a lifetime later - the long awaited parcel – containing a print-out of our book manuscript, arrived from the US of A.
After a moment of nervous anticipation, our American editor’s crucial red alterations, critical comments, and superior suggestions were eagerly pored over. Every minute change was noted and sometimes included within the book – A Story of Colors of Cambodia. Pretty soon the manuscript was updated, sections re-arranged, and one or two visual elements tweaked. Then the final keyboard key had clattered. The final amendment was added. The last section of the Indesign file was finished, and so too was - the book, finally and at last.
There was no rapturous applause. No fanfare. No sounding of trumpets, just the faint whir of the computer fan as the final edit was performed, finishing the last section of the book. The document was saved in four places – just in case, and then it was handed over to San San to tidy the whole thing up, bless her. And there it was done – another success for Honey Khor et al.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Episode 16 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
It had been a long day. Honey drove with a huge smile upon her designer-lipstick smeared lips. Honey was top of the world (Ma). It was Mission Impossible made possible by good teamwork. But when she reached home and started to thumb through the proofs, her magic smile faded and frown lines began to appear on her troubled brow.
OMG, it would take a month of Sundays to correct all the errors – but actually they were done within a week thanks to a concerted team effort. Teamwork saved the day. Back Honey trudged to the printer with the final book on her CD.
Honey handed in the final version of the book to the printer. It was a heart stopping moment. Several days later Honey was contacted to say that she could pick up the colour proof of the book.
It was with much trepidation and anxiety that Honey travelled in her black SUV, sunglasses perched upon her dainty nose, to collect the colour proof. It was Sunday. Not a normal working day, so Honey had to collect the colour proof from the guard. Her face fairly beamed with pride and delight as she nursed that proof in her hands.
It had been a long day. Honey drove with a huge smile upon her designer-lipstick smeared lips. Honey was top of the world (Ma). It was Mission Impossible made possible by good teamwork. But when she reached home and started to thumb through the proofs, her magic smile faded and frown lines began to appear on her troubled brow.
OMG, it would take a month of Sundays to correct all the errors – but actually they were done within a week thanks to a concerted team effort. Teamwork saved the day. Back Honey trudged to the printer with the final book on her CD.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Episode 17 ~ Creating Colors of Cambodia
The book was safely at the printers. It was time Honey turned her attention back to promoting the event – the launching of the book on the 14th October at Glenmarie, Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur.
There were dinners to attend, slideshows to beam and people to smile nicely to. Honey reconnected with her old network of friends and business acquaintances, urging them assist in the sales of the Hi-Tea vouchers (RM50 each). It was a trying time.
Banners were to be printed; vouchers were to be printed as were posters and press releases to be sent out. The work seemed endless. Honey beavered away at her laptop, her hand phone and met person after person urging them to help sell the Hi-Tea vouchers.
Slowly the printing was done. The press releases sent, it was just those few remaining Hi-Tea vouchers that remained. It was time for Honey to put herself into top gear. Like the professional she is, Honey depressed her clutch and rammed herself into fifth gear. She sped off like a red Lamborghini, practically all thrust and torc. Her determination was second to none; watch out Mr Business man Honey is on top form and is after your donations.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Catalonia Summer
Slides presentation by Mr Lok How Yuan during Art History lesson wasn't really appreciate by me at that time in that dark, freezing classroom . So much to remember, so much to learn. But now, I must say: " Thank you, Mr Lok! It was you the one who connected me to this part of world. A world of infinity creation!"
Sunlight came through the glass, shined into Dali's studio, on his brushes, mediums for oil colours just as he left them. I imagined he is here, seating in front of one of his last work, on the pulling system he used for working. It was 1930, dali bought simple shack. This shack has been created to a piece of magnificent art by Dali. Every single part in the house is amazing. Decades, Dali lived and worked until the death of his muse Gala in 1982.
Walked in Dali's home and museum twice in 2 years. It's just more than i can tell. I remember my first travelled to Figueres from Bacelona alone in 2012. Sat in the train, I started my "thinking". "The Thinking" have magically connected me to many beautiful people in Figueres.
Friday, May 23, 2014
这一阵子,孩子不时的从他爸爸,我前夫那里带老火汤和家常汤给我。当我从孩子手里接过那盛满一碗汤的保温瓶,心里真的满满的都是感激。 温温的汤喝在口里,也感动。。。更感恩!每一碗汤,我和孩子真的是喝在口里,甜在心里。
我想,这可是修来的福报吧!两个孩子现在除了拥有爸爸妈妈的爱,还有另一个疼惜他们的阿姨,爸爸的女朋友;再加上我那老外老公也挺疼他们的。两个家,个别有了经常烧饭烤排骨羊扒煲汤给他们的阿姨和马丁之后,大家的关系拉近了很多,更融合了。我经常跟告诉孩子,这就是经常围绕着身边的幸福哦! 感恩“她” 和“他”走进我和孩子的生命里。两个家未必是复杂,用另一个角度看也可以是很简单的。
九年了,孩子的爸终于遇到了他心意的梅姨。我很开心,真心的祝福他们! 也谢谢梅姨的用心和爱屋及乌。因为通情達意的她,孩子们的日子过得更踏实,更快乐了。
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Angkor Hospital for Children - The Mural
This is what happiness meant to me ~ Imagine the smile on the little face when the child looking at the painting....Their smile stay in my heart, i feel the joy...for years! That's the reason why I am back to Colors of Cambodia again and again.
I wish this mural will distract children uncomforted feeling. My blessing to all, may this mural radiate love, joy and peace to everyone.
I am very grateful to have this opportunity to share my skills and knowledge with students in Siem Reap, and at the same time, all of us share our joys and happiness with the children and parents, nurses and doctors...and staffs in the hospital through ART!
Once again, Thank you you all for all the kind supports in art materials, time and efforts for Colors of Cambodia! Cheers!!!
昨天坐在车厢内, 偶尔用眼角看看正在专注驾车的你。我的嘴角微微上扬,其实这只不过是最简单不过的一件事;会驾车了,上大学了,然后毕业。。就业。。但你妈咪我却感到五味参杂。
在我23岁那一年,你在怡保的医院哇哇大哭的,却平安的来到这花花世界。那一年,我纯美术系的好朋友到澳洲报到,继续深造;而我却升级当妈妈! 23岁当妈妈,从不懂事到凡事都要懂的那一段日子真的不容易过。幸好还有个“阿婆”时常来看你,教你妈咪我如何照顾你,如何煲粥,烹饪等。你应该会永远都把慈祥的”祖祖”记在心底吧?!
时光荏苒,岁月如梭,过去的日子不晓得你记得多少。但我知道在和你爸分开的那一年我们给你不少的伤害。 以为10岁的你已长大了,可以接受父母离异的事实。还记得那一晚吗?在你的睡房里,偶然间我看到你的周记里些的那一段话,还有你亲爱的老师给你的回复。剎那间,我的泪水直流,我们抱在一起痛哭。深深的感受到你心里的刺痛,和那伤害!
接下来的日子,我们都学习用最好的方式去相处和面对生活。 六年的小学和五年的中学生涯,我也不曾要求你的成绩一定要名列前茅。我深信学校考试只不过是人生里一小锤的事儿,尽力而为! 拥有广阔的视野和知识加上好的人格和品性却是一生要学习的功课。
今年,你十八岁了, 意味着长大成人,拥有美好的年华!开始怀着满满的希望,憧憬和未来,但也意味着肩上要担负起自己的责任。很快的,六月八日就要到了,我就要把世界大门的钥匙交给你了!那一天,你就是成人了!
希望你的人生将是灿烂阳光的,无论做什么事,一定要尽心和努力! 我们才会问心无愧,不留遗憾!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Angkor Children's Hospital Mural
Video of Painting in Angkor Hospital
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"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...