Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Warming my heart


Come here....

Watching those
Cute faces,
Cheeky smiles.
Charming voices,
Little hands,
Crabbling on paper ,
Playing with colours.

These are the joys of guiding,
The Happiness of teaching.

Years slip by,
girls n boys grow taller than me...

They share, talk about their careers, new journeys.

I smile,
I am happy for them,
proud of them.

Today I received a lovely message....

You are my awesome art teacher who never fails to inspire me, 
even though it's been ages I have not stepped into your art studio. Thank you! ❤❤❤

Next day, I received another message...

Special thanks to Ms Honey Khor who guided me throughout these years.
Without her, i would never have had the guts to pursue art.

this warmed my heart.....I wanted to cry

Monday, June 4, 2012

Birth Day

Today, is my big day..
The day my lovely mother bore so much pain, for me
giving me birth.

There are no words to express my thankfulness to her,
giving me a beautiful life,
giving me all her love the moment i cried out aloud.

My gratitude and love to her,
which returns, more and

My gratitude to you,
all my dear friends,
who have given me so much of support.

walk along with me,
On my path to my dreams,
dreams where i can use art to save the world.

I have so much love from my loved ones,
So many blessings from you all,
So much joy and happiness

I would like to..
deeply reflect my loving kindness to all - even,
and maybe especially, to those who have
caused me pain and heartache in the past.

Loving kindness to this .... our dear mother earth,
and may all be blessed with the kind of love I have so recently found,
the peace, joy
and happiness.

Love changes our lifes 
Love brings us strength
Love brings us together.

in this moment
I love you! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Gratitude

 My gratitude to all of you for supporting.

 In the life journey of sharing and caring...
nothing can be done without you all!!

Here's the orphanages that i wanted to visit for long.

 Finally, i make it this time!!! CDO Orphanage ( Children Development Organization ) 
and COFCO ( Cambodian Orphan Family Center Organization ). 

i can't stop but capturing their faces. 
A home with sky blue is CDO Orphanage.
 Located 5 minutes from Siem Reap town,
 near to the river side.

The moment i entered the home, 
all the kids came to me for hug.

Those smiling faces told you how happy they are to have a visitor.
 and i am feeling the joys that they were having with the volunteer teachers.

How much they appreciated on the party pack they received.
Their warmth hugs and kisses touch my heart. 
Tears drop for no reason...
So much of laughter i had here.

 A home were floated are COFCO.
floated their bed rooms,
but still surrounding by their laughter,
still playing happily with the water.                                           

 where the girls and boys perform traditional Khmer dance to raise funds 
               and get awareness form public.

Same things happened here
lots of hugs
lots of  happiness....

Time to said good bye,
girls and boys run to me for the hugs again, 
and asked to see them tomorrow....
What should i answer? 
 May the love and joys 
that we shared 
you and your family blossom of happiness.
May all the good deeds bring you all wisdom and happiness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love in Cambodia

I fell in love with Colors of Cambodia,
on the first day i stepped into the gallery.

I give my gratitude to Bill Gentry,
for the opportunity to be involved in his project,
for me to learn to share my love and careing to others.

radiates from my heart,
to the children,
to the friends,
to every one in my life.

Loving kindness
radiates from Colors of Cambodia,
to me,
to my friends,
to every one here.

This radiating brought me a true love.
who has no doubts about me or anything i do,
who can walk with me in my life's journey,
and who loves me with "ALL" his heart,
etc etc....

It has also brought me love from all of you
Those who have walked alongside of me in my journey of joy and peace,
and who have supported this meaningful endeavour,
who have helped in many ways.
and who share the love,
and joy of sharing and caring. with me.

In these special moments I share my happiness, and this meaningful moment with you.

My gratitude to you all - always!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Today, i have thought of my family, 
each and every one.
Few days more is Chinese New Year,
Busy life have taken up our time to show our love often.

If i have have to died in the next minute,
i will nothing afraid,
i have nothing to regret...
cause i am telling every one, 

Feeling so sweet to heard dad's voice in the phone!
Especially his laughter.....I can feel his joy and happiness.
so much looking forward to see us during Chinese New Year! 

Mom should be very busy now,
for Chinese New Year preparation.

Soon, i can go home,
Sweet home that i was born and grow,
where full of loves and sweet memories.

Mum and Dad, i love you all so much! 
I am so grateful to be your daughter...
which you always "allow" and "support" me to be who i am. 

Brothers and sister in laws i love you all very much too!
Thought we hardly spend time together,
but, i always having you all in my mind.
♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hug* Love* Kiss*

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand ~ Mother Teresa
Tears in my eyes,
at the special moment.
Moment that i have been wanted for long
since he has grown up
and up
and up

 that i used to enjoy so much
when he is a child
and years

That is my memories.
In my dream
 having those sweet moments...

Let us count our blessing
day by day
him still be my side

All these will be his memories too
Love from a mother

Live not a life that will cause us to regret
 when the time comes for us
to leave everything

to all dearest parent

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Is suffering
angel and Ego
When we are totally lost our self
In the world of mystery

Is beautiful
Joy and peace
When we realise what is important
In the world of inspiration

Busy life
Work hard for living
In the big city
Mind and spiritual

into poverty
With my heart
I balance my life

to nature
With my soul
I found myself

happiness is there
In our mind
Surrounding us
We can't feel
We can't see
We can't listen


We are too busy...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oriental Daily, Dec 2011

All about Pua Zhe Xuan


还记得三年前哲轩第一次来到画室的那一天,他那圆圆可爱的脸庞,乌黑的眼睛闪烁着快乐的光彩深深的吸引了我的目光。在看到妈妈 美霞对孩子那不离不弃,显露爱的那一刻, 让我觉得这个特殊的孩子很特别!他拥有一个难得的艺术天赋,更生活在一个爱心满溢的家庭。

在五岁那一年经过医生的诊断后,证实了哲轩是个自闭儿。 这十六年来, 家人的坚定支持,互动,鼓励和爱, 让哲轩一一的克服了学习上的障碍。 爸爸妈妈对他付出的爱和一切皆让他快乐的成长, 更完全启发了他的天赋。

生活里的某一些人,事,物,在他的脑海里会变成了形状,也经常在他所绘的画面中出现,这是他的情感表达,也是内心的感受。而且 有时候还会维持很长的一段时间。他在画布上涂绘的灿烂色彩总是让我们感觉到他是多么的快乐

哲轩在8岁便开始去画室向老师学习绘画。 妈妈更努力不懈的寻找可以帮助启发孩子艺术创作天份的方式 。这期间也参与艺术工作营。在一段日子后,终于找到他喜欢的原料 – 压克力,这时也开始拥有了他独特和丰富色彩的风格。

20088月,在完全读不懂他的思想和语言沟通不良的情况下,我和哲轩开始了第一堂课。哲轩便主动的把画画用具拿出来, 坐下来后便即时的把自己脑海里的影像 画出来。看他一笔一画的在画纸上描绘几何形,再仔细的涂上色彩。

哲轩和妈妈的母子之间的互动和配合让我感触好深。十六个年头里陪着孩子逐步地成长和学习,这过程可是相当不简单。 大约一年的时间吧, 我都一直的让他练习各种线条和尝试不同的原料。渐渐地我走进了这个即独特又特殊的孩子的世界。对待他与对待其他的孩子又不一样的感觉。因为要很用心才走得进他的世界,才看得懂他的生命故事。

引导他并不是每个星期来上课两小时所办得到的, 我也开始要妈妈让他在家里重复地做练习。尽量的每一天都做功课 在一段日子後, 他的进展程度让我们感到很开心。他每一天不离不弃的作画, 每一刻都把纸张和铅笔带在身边, 妈妈也很用心的配合我的要求,一起上课,回家后再继续引导哲轩进行创作的活动。所以他从来没有不交上我给予的功课。 更难得的是妈妈也开始慢慢了解了那真正属於孩子的天份在,更深入 明白孩子拥有自己独特的思想和感受。

我也对妈妈说:他是多么的特别和难得的孩子啊! 一个可以让我们深深地为他感到骄傲的孩子喔!

看了他这些年的作品,大大小小的,有些是经过引导的,有些是自个儿的创作。 不管是画在纸上或是画布上,那些色彩的运用都让我感受到他沉浸于爱里的快乐。

尽管特殊儿童普遍上有学习方面的障碍, 但是他们同样也有对于美的知觉能力与学习的权利。 让我们 一起给哲轩和妈妈,美霞一个精神上的支持,感恩因为他, 我们领悟到生命中的美丽和体会到爱的力量,更学会了尊重每一个生命都有他存在的意义。聆听那一把以我们活在同一个世界, 却一直被忽略的声音。
这一场心与心的交流,让大家用心的感受那份纯真的艺术。 一幅幅的画作呈现的不只是他眼里的景物,也是他的情感抒发。这是一场难得的心路旅程分享,让我们一起学习成长过程中的经验.

Zhe Xuan, captured the attention of artist Honey Khor three years ago. It was not because he is autistic nor was it because of his talent in art, although the latter may be the reason as well. But it was the brightness in his eyes that reflected some form of cheerfulness from within him. He was captivated by the love his mother gave and the endless attention she showered upon him which made this boy special.
Zhe Xuan was diagnosed with autism at the age of five. This came as a blow to his family. Instead of succumbing to pressure from society, the family came together and and supported each other physically and mentally to overcome learning obstacles to help him lead a normal life. Throughout the years, they discovered his talent in art and decided to enhance this newfound skill.
May Seah, Zhe Xuan’s mother, has been constantly searching for ways to bring out the creativity in him since he was eight years old. During a recent art camp, both mother and son discovered his favourite art tool, Acrylic.
ZheXuan’s artistic skills are inspired by things he sees all around him. People, places, animals and things seen through his eyes are transformed into shapes as seen in his drawings. Like how clothes fashion comes in seasons, his style of drawing does too. For a period of time he drew geometrical shapes and for the next he painted his signature rainbow. Sometimes the season comes in colors too but most of the time, his paintings are bright and gleeful. All these portray his emotions and thoughts that are embedded within him that he is unable to speak out.
In August 2008, May Seah stumbled upon Honey Khor’s art studio in Puchong and she has been bringing him there ever since. Honey’s first lesson with them is indeed a memorable one for her. She was unable to communicate with him as both did not understand each other. But what came as a surprise to her was when Zhe Xuan took the initiative to take out his painting material, sat down and drew pictures of what seemed to look like animals were actually geometrical shapes. He then carefully painted the shapes in detail.
It has been a year now since Honey has guide him how to draw with a variety of lines and different types of art materials and he has never stopped trying to understand him. Teaching him feels different from teaching other children for Honey as educating him is indeed a unique and special one. She tried helping him master certain art techniques but two hours weekly is not enough. Honey then got May Seah to practice with him at home. Every day, no matter what art tool he has in hand, he would practice the same skill Honey taught him without complaining, nor showing faces nor giving up.  His skills gradually improved, much to everyone’s delight. ZheXuan is a very determined child. One his mother is very proud of. 
Looking through his portfolio throughout the years of living in the world of art, one can easily conclude that all his artwork portrays the artist who is filled with joy and love showered upon him by the people around him. 
Zhe Xuan is a boy who draws what his eyes see and what his heart feels. The exhibited drawings are purely his with no touchups done to make it perfect.  Every piece is carefully painted and drawn from his heart, something one can see only if one took the time and had the patience to do so. Parents and children are encouraged to make a trip to this art exhibition of this extraordinary boy and take a walk in ZheXuan and May Seah’s shoes. Getting to know them and seeing the amount of effort placed in each piece of art will definitely open your eyes to see and appreciate your children more than you already do.

~ written by Honey Khor & Chloe Yong, Dec 2011

                                                              Enjoy.....His beautiful works....

Saturday, November 12, 2011



  自闭儿画出 斑斓色彩的 内心世界
  • 只要有纸和彩色笔,哲轩就沉醉在作画的乐趣中。
3 of 4
孩子自闭 父母要坚强 过程艰辛共同奋斗
为了鼓励家中育有特殊孩子的父母,哲轩的绘画老师特别为他筹办一场个人画展。画展的开幕礼于12月4日举行,时间是下午3时至5时,地点位于Great Eastern Mall的Penang Village餐厅,展览将持续3个星期,欢迎公众人士到场参观。


"Transcend" Oil on Canvas 120cm x 120cm 2019 The lotus. Emerges and rises from the mud . Untouched by the world . It embodie...