Honey handed in the final version of the book to the printer. It was a heart stopping moment. Several days later Honey was contacted to say that she could pick up the colour proof of the book.
It was with much trepidation and anxiety that Honey travelled in her black SUV, sunglasses perched upon her dainty nose, to collect the colour proof. It was Sunday. Not a normal working day, so Honey had to collect the colour proof from the guard. Her face fairly beamed with pride and delight as she nursed that proof in her hands.
It had been a long day. Honey drove with a huge smile upon her designer-lipstick smeared lips. Honey was top of the world (Ma). It was Mission Impossible made possible by good teamwork. But when she reached home and started to thumb through the proofs, her magic smile faded and frown lines began to appear on her troubled brow.
OMG, it would take a month of Sundays to correct all the errors – but actually they were done within a week thanks to a concerted team effort. Teamwork saved the day. Back Honey trudged to the printer with the final book on her CD.